LEGION Simulator Help

Adding a Record Entity Positions event

When it comes to creating Record Entity Position events, you can choose to add a single event that saves the positions for the entire runtime of the simulation, or you can add one or more events that save positions for certain time periods within the simulation.

When adding an event to record a specific period of time, right-click on the track at the point at which you want the event to start. However, you can change the start and end times of events after you’ve placed them.

To create a ‘full length’ Record Entity positions event:

  1. Right-click on the relevant track and select either:

    Add a full-length Record Entity Position event


    Add a Record Entity Position event

    The ‘Record Entity Position’ dialog is displayed.

  2. If required, enter a name in the ‘Event name’ box.
  3. If you want this event to run in the next record session, check the box labelled Enable this event.
  4. Click OK to save the event.
To run the event, click the ‘Record’ button on the Timeline and the XML file will be saved as the playback runs. It is stored in the location you specified when setting up the track.